Is the leader in GIS route optimization software & services.
10% savings achieved through every route every-day

Map Centric
ZignEx'sPremier Routing Software application features are designed to be centered around a custom theme-based Mapping screen-display of:
with multitudes of tools to analyze and present route elements on the map.
Enhanced Customer Service
ZignEx's Premier Routing Software
includes components that have capabilities to provide information such as ETA of pickups or deliveries that can be conveyed in real-time to customers to improve customer service and experience.

Improve Productivity
ZignEx's Premier Routing Software application focuses on optimizing four key Business Operations:
Route Planning
Route Execution
Post Execution
Strategic Planning is continuously being improved upon to maximize productivity
Maximize Asset Utilization
ZignEx's Premier Routing Software algorithms' are engineered to minimize the cost to service customers and maximize asset utilization throughout the entire business operations.

ZignEx is a software products company headquartered in The Woodlands, TX, USA, with an outsourcing solution center in Indore, India.
Our vision is to use data analytics to gain business intelligence, optimize business processes, continuously improve customer experience, and create exceptional business value for forward-thinking enterprises.
We leverage Operations Research, AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, and capitalize on new technologies to provide premier logistics solutions including route optimization, dynamic routing, network optimization, digital capture, strategic planning, and other best practice approaches....across various industries and business verticals.
We strive to converge and evolve, powered by "Your Imagination and Your Needs.”
Our success is dependent upon the collective creative energy, intelligence, and contributions from all our Team Members. We highly value our team members, encourage their development, and reward their performance.
We believe in fostering, cultivating, and preserving a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion among our team members, customers, and communities around the world.
Thank you for considering us as one of your premier business partners!
Surya Sahoo
CEO & President of ZignEx, Inc.